The comic book provides details about coronavirus and how to stay safe. The story follows a bunch of curious kids who call superhero Vaayu, who lives in the foothills of Himalayas, to help them understand what coronavirus is since everyone is talking about it.
Vaayu educates them about the pandemic, and informs about how to prevent and fight the global threat of coronavirus while staying calm. More importantly, Vaayu repeatedly tells the children not to panic and to stay alert in order to stay safe.
He tells them to maintain social distance, avoid handshakes and instead greet people with ‘Namaste’, ‘Hello’ or ‘As-Salaam-Alaikum’. Vaayu also talks about previous pandemics like SARS, Swine Flu and Ebola which have a higher mortality rate and hence Coronvarius too can be contained, if proper measures are taken on time.
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